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How 3d nls non linear diagnostic system Can Change The World


3d nls non linear diagnostic system

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

What is Bioresonance or Bio Resonance?

3d nls non linear diagnostic system-Bioresonance or Bio Resonance is based on the concept and observation that all living organisms and their components, the cells, tissues and organs, emit measurable electromagnetic waves. The frequency of these waves can vary from cell to cell or organ to organ and from tissue to tissue, based on their biochemical and physiological environment. Accordingly, these can vary in responses to a variety of stresses from biochemical and physiological responses to pathogens, allergens, chemicals, or alteration in DNA. It has also been shown and measured that electromagnetic waves or oscillations emitted by diseased organs including cancer cells vary from those emitted by healthy cells due to their differences in cell metabolism and DNA damage.By working with different tissues and organs under different pathological conditions it has been shown that each disease state elicits its own signature resonance frequency compared to the healthy ones.

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

With modern electronic equipment it allows non-invasive scans for diagnosing different diseases. These diagnostic scans are not only non-invasive but can help diagnose even before the disease is full blown. The BioResonance Machine from Oberon diagnostic is state of the art machine built with industry’s pioneering and most advanced hardware and software technology.Bacteria, viruses, allergies, fungi, waste toxins, hormonal imbalances, adverse stress responses and electromagnetic pollution from various sources alter the physiology, biochemistry and functions of various organs and tissues which manifests into disease state. This in turn interferes and alters the cell resonance frequencies. Logically it follows that altering the natural frequency of healthy organs will create an unhealthy environment for the cells and tissues which in turn can promotes allergies, illness and disease. It has been determined that resonance frequency emitted in diseased state compared to healthy one is lower and if compensated and increased by external input can help restore the energy deficit and promote healing and reversal of the disease state. In short unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves and that changing these waves back to normal will minimize the damaging effects of the disease and promote healing and cure of the body. This is the basis of Bioresonance Biofeedback Therapy.

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

What can test the 3d nls non linear diagnostic system?

Developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, the Metatron rough diagnostic medical device boasts world class software, capable of scanning a patient without harmful effects, producing valuable information within a matter of minutes. Metatron’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes, as well as predispositions towards certain illnesses, is an outstanding 79.9%. It is the world’s smallest and portable computerized medical diagnostic device, with enormous applications and extensive database, making it able to be used anywhere!

3d nls non linear diagnostic system make it possible to examine all body systems without exceptions in a single session:


Nervous System


Cardiovascular System


Digestive System


Musculoskeletal System


Respiratory System


Endocrine System


Urinary System


Reproductive System


3d nls non linear diagnostic system

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

WHY PROFESSIONALS CHOOSE 3d nls non linear diagnostic system?

1.UNIQUE-METATRON is the first clinically proven medical rough diagnostic device of its kind in the world. It is informative, portable, user-friendly, and secure.

2.ACCURATE-Confirmed by thorough clinical trials, METATRON’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes as well as predispositions toward certain illnesses affecting the organism is an outstanding 79,9%.

3.USABILITY-A simple and clear user interface makes it possible to learn and evaluate the patient’s state of health with METATRON after only a few minutes of examination. This increases the amount of patient’s that can be seen by the doctor, and reduces the wait time for the patient. No more time consuming guess work and endless tests to find out what the patient may or may not have.

4.VARIETY OF DATA RECEIVED-Apart from determining the current condition of organs and the level of its functionality, METATRON elicits viruses, allergens, infections, parasites and micro-elements, and can roughly indicate some future health forecasts as well as suggests recommendations and remedies for treatment of detected illnesses.

5.WIDE APPLICATION FIELD-METATRON has already proved its effectiveness and relevance in different spheres; hospitals, clinics, health resorts and sports centers. METATRON is used all over the world, and comes in many languages. You will wonder how you ever practised without it.

3d nls non linear diagnostic system

The Metatron system is already being used in; Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Fitness Consultants, Health Spa’s and Clinics, Homeopathic Clinics, Holistic Clinics, as well as Rehabilitation Centres. The applications of the Metatron Rough Diagnostic System are truly endless, which is why this system is quickly becoming the necessary companion of practitioners looking to upgrade and future proof their respective clinics.

Member of the Massai tribe with Academic Nesterov in Kenya using the Metatron System at the request of the Kenyan Government.




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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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